Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hello Chicago and Hello 2012!

The last year has been quite crazy and hectic.  Besides my surgeries which had me laid low (and failed), we also moved house twice in one year, which was equally difficult.  Stuart was also headhunted for a new position in Chicago, and another in Pittsburgh.  It was a a hard choice, but in the end we settled on Chicago.
I did very little running last year, as it was quite a difficult year, and I did not enjoy most of it.  I think my surgeries left me feeling really bad and I was in a lot of pain.  I was glad to see the back of 2011, especially since Stuart moved to Chicago in August and I was left in Boston.  Reason being, I did not want to move without a job.  Thankfully my company have allowed me to keep my job, and work from home.
Although we are still surrounded by boxes, it is nice to be living in a flat again.  Ours overlooks Grant Park, and I have set up my office so that when I look out of the window, the above pic shows the view which greets my eyes.
After an 8 month lay off, I started running again - albeit very slowly.  It is very convenient to have that park and Lake Shore Drive so nearby.  After my first run outdoors on Monday, I thought I was going to collapse after 5 minutes, but I kept at it and managed half an hour.  I ran for half an hour yesterday on the treadmill as it was quite icy outside and it was great to be able to go for half an hour - at a still very slow pace.  I had another operation over Christmas, but luckily it did not leave me as drained as the first one did.  I still have 2 more to come later this year, but I feel more enthusiastic about things than I did last year.
Well, tomorrow is a run day and I am planning on 45 steps, but I'll get there!  Hope you are all well, and enjoying your running.


  1. So happy to see you back! Welcome to Chicago. Nice job with the running, too. Easy does it, and before you know it, you'll work your way back to where you were.

  2. hum, visto così sembra un gran bel posto! le parentesi si aprono e si chiudono, c'è ancora molto da scrivere — anywai, welcome back...

  3. Mi dispiace molto per i tuoi problemi di salute, in bocca al lupo per le 2 prossime operazioni.
    Sono contento che tu non abbia dovuto rinunciare al tuo lavoro.
    Al momento non è importante quanto e dove tu corra, ma solo che tu non ti arrenda e possa continuare a fare attività sportiva.
    Verranno tempi migliori ed i guai rimarranno solo un brutto ricordo.
    Tanti auguri per un felice 2012.

  4. Here's to a much better 2012, my friend. ::huge hugs::
