Sunday, November 22, 2009

Registration complete!

                                                  (photo Ted Tyler)

I did it - I registered for the Hyannis Marathon on 28 February 2010, and I am feeling quite nervous! Although my marathon programme finishes on 31 January, there do not seem to be any marathons nearby, and I am not sure about running my first marathon in Miami or some place warm. I am training under cool conditions, and am unsure that I can make such a rapid adjustment, so I am going with Hyannis.
That said, I ran the 10K last year and it was freezing. It was painful breathing, as the pic above attests.  Three quarters of the way through it started raining, which was fine for me, as I was finishing up. But for those running the marathon, it was a different kettle of fish!  Still it was a good race, and I think I might have been more appreciative of the landscape had it been warmer.  The Hyannis Marathon is a qualifying race for Boston, so there are some pretty fast people out that day.
Hyannis is a village on Cape Cod, and the JFK Museum pays tribute to the time that Kennedy spent there.  It is a stunning place to visit during the summer, and equally so during winter, the only difference being the light and the gorgeous seascapes which change with the seasons.  Because the race takes place along the coastline, there is no shelter from the wind, and it can be brutal.  However, I prefer running under cooler conditions than the humidity of Miami, so I will give this my best shot.
Now that it is official and I have signed up, I am happy that I chose this particular race.  I am also pleased that I have the chance to do a few extra long runs, as this race comes almost a month after I finish my programme. I wish I could remember the details of the 10K this year, but all I can remember is the cold!  So, voila', I shall be surprised on the day.  Oh, and I do remember coming back to the Hyannis Ballroom and having a coffee and a dunkin' donut.  That was the best and yes, it was good to skip the bananas, peanut butter bagels and oranges for once!


  1. Hello. I saw your into on the Runner's Lounge. Great job selecting a race. I am trying to decide between two and just need to take the plunge and go for it. I really like your 2009 running distance blog. I'm going to have to look into that.

  2. Although I would love to go to Cape Cod, it is too far for me to go. At least this trip. I would like to incorporate vacations with races...or maybe I should say races with vacations. I live over in Arizona and to travel to the east coast takes more time off although I did go out to New Jersey for a race (that I wasn't able to run) in October.
