Thursday, July 29, 2010

Coping with Change

I am in the second week of my marathon training plan for Philadelphia, and I have yet to do a single run.  These past few weeks have been fraught with stresses and tensions at work, like I have never experienced before.   I do not know if it is because I find the US workplace extremely stressful, or because I need to manage change better, but as I write this, I am wondering it it could be a combination of both?!
In short, our department has been reorganized, and the head of my group has resigned.  No big deal....this happens all the time.  Indeed the last company I worked for in Switzerland was taken over by a German company, and we had many workshops on how to deal with change.  Prior to that, the company I worked for in Italy was taken over by an American company.  I am no stranger to change, and yet, it seemed as though I was experiencing it for the first time!
The effect on my running has been terrible - I have not done a single run.....neither outdoors, nor on the treadmill, and not even a stair climb.  This week has made me realize that each change is unique, and an experience unto itself - and that the past really is a foreign country (as historian David Lowenthal puts it).  When I started getting over the shock of the changes, the lessons that emerged are that: 1) I have some fabulous colleagues, 2) this is an opportunity for me, 3) climb the mountain that is in front of you, 4) don't look back lest you be changed into a pillar of salt.  In the light of that, I will go for a run tomorrow morning, AND blog about it before I go to work!
I have however, been making some very good lunches for work.  Since I am not rushing in the morning anymore (no early morning runs to squeeze in), I had time to either come home for lunch, or to take something good with me.  My lunch had 'three courses' and of course, an espresso afterwards....not too shabby eh!  Well, I am up early tomorrow, so I will leave you with a visual image of a typical lunch: 3 baby artichokes with some olive oil, veggie wrap and plain Greek yoghurt.  The apple was a snack.


  1. Change is always difficult. I find running helps me cope with stressful times. When things get tough in my life I make sure I don’t miss any runs. Good luck!

  2. Nice lunch!

    I can cope with change at work but sometimes it's just too much. I think you have a positive attitude in this and you will be able to handle it, I'm sure.

  3. I'm sorry you're struggling with these changes. ::hugs:: I think our ability to deal with stress may vary depending on a number of factors. Take care of yourself.

    Oh, and I must admit - those baby artichokes are adorable!

  4. @ Johann: I am trying to get into the habit of running when I feel stressed - perhaps now that I am following this marathon programme it might be are incredible, I am amazed at your drive!

    @ Fran: Yes, thanks.....things are a bit weird at the moment, but not more than usual in the grand scheme of things! My way of dealing with stress is to drink large amounts of coffee, and work more. As I mentioned to Johann, I am trying to learn to run through the stress...not easy!

    @ Green Girl: Thanks for the hugs - Just what I need! Am learning t to TALK about things more, refocus, then move on. It's quite cathartic!
