Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Getting more organised

Monday was a swim day. I had been dreading it, and after a difficult day at work, thought I would take the day off but then found that I had to go. I had arranged to meet 2 young women there, and they had not accepted my cancellation, but wrote and told me they would meet me there. More about the young women in a separate post - but was I glad that they had been so forward thinking.
Because Monday was the day that I learned to breathe on both sides - properly. Super thanks to Jane, who also helped me improve my technique so much, that breathing on both sides has suddenly become so easy, and has made me swim a little faster. I do not know if it was the enthusiasm of the moment, but it was also a lot less tiring than the previous week. In fact, after the swim I felt like going for a 5 mile run, but I had to hurry home and get the dinner on.
So no run on Monday night, nor yesterday - made a quick dinner after the cycling. OK the truth of the matter is I am in bed by 9pm. I get up around 5 (usually), do my buddhist chanting for an hour and then do either circuits or a run. Lately I have been feeling knackered, so have only been managing the chanting. Now however, I think I need to go to bed at 8.30pm, also because I would like to try and do 2 training sessions a day. The circuits seem to be falling by the wayside, and I do not like that!
I managed to get the run in this morning, but no chanting. That was not good, but it was an emergency: it was almost a week since I had last run, and I had to do it - pity I could not get up in time to get it all in. I had also hoped to go swimming after work today, but another dramatic day, led to me feeling depleted. I managed to do some chores with Stuart, and then had a lovely pizza.
Tomorrow is another day, said Scarlet O'Hara, and so tomorrow I will get the chanting in, as well as my run in the morning. And the evening is reserved for a zip down the bike path on the Charles River. Maybe on Friday I'll get in a swim and a spinning session....

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